The use of tourniquets in pre-hospital care is now widely accepted, at least it is within “sensible” circles and an increasing number of our media clients are including them into their first aid kits.
Because of this change in the contents of issued first aid kits the use of tourniquets is a staple part of many of our first aid courses [such as our FPOS I and media first aid training] and we therefore take quite an interest in new products hitting the market. As we become aware of new models we like to put them thorough a series of tests to check the ease of use and ease of training, two areas of specific interest to us, with the later often being overlooked in most online reviews of new tourniquets.
You might have noticed our “Tourniquet testing” videos gradually appearing on our YouTube Channel [see below], but the latest addition which has literally just arrived is the RATS – Rapid Application Tourniquet System. We have been following [with some amusement] the CATS versus RATS debate online. Our favourite line so far being “CATS eat RATS”. Based on this alone we had to check out the Rapid Application Tourniquet system and include it in our tourniquet testing.
We have also recently reviewed the Tourni-Key on our YouTube channel. The Tourni-Key is a product that is meant to aid the functionality of improvised tourniquets in order for them to better stop the blood loss of the person at risk. The Tourni-Key attaches to an article of clothing in order for the user to be able to leverage the material, tightening it around the person’s body part and restricting blood loss. This is a much more compact version than either of the RATS or CATS, so it is ideal for travel to hostile environments. However it requires another piece of fabric in order for it to be functional which inhibit the speed of which the Tourni-Key can be applied.
We will be uploading a product review and tourniquet test in the next few days, so keep checking here or subscribe to our YouTube Channel [you can do this by clicking here].
If you are aware of new tourniquets hitting the market that you think we should look at [or you have a new tourniquet coming out], drop us a line on to have it included in our tourniquet testing.